Monday, December 05, 2005

Cleaning Out My Closet

I'm sorry to tell you that this blog wan't include any snappy rhyming from Eminem, but I'm even whiter than he is, so consider yourself lucky.

Anyway, that's what I did this weekend. Cleaned out my closets in order to get my upper flat in order. I'm well on my way now. I've painted. I've cleaned. I'm working on the organization. And after that, all I really need is some furniture. Specifially a couch to start. I do have someplace to sleep.

I love my bed. It's been sad leaving it in the mornings. Especially now that I've outfitted it with flannel sheets, it is so cozy and snuggly.

And that's a sad commentary when my flannel sheets make me feel so happy. I guess it's the little things that have to get you through.

That's it for now. Good productive weekend. I even bought a plastic tool box to keep my hammer and 2 screwdrivers in. I'm sure I'll need more tools, but it's hard to get too worked up over Craftsman tools. If something breaks, I don't know how to fix it anyway, so what's the point?

I know. I should be self sufficient and all that good stuff, but it'd be nice to have built in handy man power, but if I had that, I'd be spending my weekends teaching classes at Home Depot.

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