Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Shelf that Book

From one of my favorite time wasting web sites while at work:

Lady #1: I wonder what that kid over there is reading.
Lady #2: God, if my kid read I'd kill it.
Lady #1: Amy!*
Lady #2: Seriously, I'm never buying my kids books.

It makes me grateful that my mom instilled a love of reading into me at a young age. I remember trips to the library where I'd load up on stacks of books, even when I was up north visiting my grandma and grandpa gostshall, we'd go to the library.

The library is the place that first got me interested in Charlie and Chocolate Factory, Nancy Drew, this series of Betsy something or other books, Sweet Valley High (oh yes), Catcher in the Rye, and countless others.

Even now, if I'm having a bad day or I'm feeling depressed, I'll go to the library or a bookstore to cheer myself up. I love to be surrounded by books and the smell of the pages that promise a new story just around the corner.

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