Thursday, December 01, 2005


I went to sleep at 9 pm last night. And I'm not 7 years old anymore. I don't know what came over me. Not that I'm an adult, I can officially go to bed at 3 am if I chose, but instead I fall asleep involuntarily before the 10:00 news. When did this happen? I remember when I was little that I hated bedtime, and would fight to stay up an hour later to catch Moonlighting or Night Rider. What a cool car, and that crazy Kit. But enough about my tv viewing.

I guess I was tired, and that's fine. I blame the weather. It's dark by 5, I don't have cable, and it's cold outside, so I sleep. Maybe I'm depressed, although lately, I do not feel at all that's not it.

Whatever it is, it's good to get your rest I guess. I'm going to some random YMCA with Barrie after work, which ought to be interesting. It'll be just like our Colonial Homes work outs. It never seemed fun at the time, but now that we don't do it anymore, I kinda miss it. Maybe if I join the Y, Barrie and I can gossip on the exercise machines again, and a good time will be had by all.

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