Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Jelly Donuts, Jelly Belly

I won the battle of the scale weigh in this morning, but as soon as I finally got to work, I lost a battle with a Krispy Kreme jelly donut.

Almost immediately after eating it, I wished I wouldn't have. And it's not because I'm scared I won't lose weight next week because of one donut. I mean, this lifestyle of Weight Watchers is designed, so you can eat an occassional treat. Otherwise, you'll feel too restricted and go food postal.

Anyway, I had been craving one of these sugary treats for a while and there it was, staring right at me. But I didn't even think. I just ate it. Maybe it was the extra long drive in, with the winshield washer jet that wouldn't clear my driver side. I can't say.

But, it's one of those foods, I'm going to mark under, Ok. But not worth the calories or fat. You know how sometimes, it really is worth it? So, you enjoy it and move on?

Well, I have to move on, but it wasn't worth it. But I'm not going to dwell on that. I'm instead going to focus on the fact that I lost the little bit of weight I gained over Thanksgiving, plus a whole pound. Making my loss for last week almost 2 pounds.

And that's damn good in my opinion. I had to dodge a lot of tempting foods, so I guess I'm only human if every once in a while, one gets past me.

Next time, I'll be ready.

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